Moj profil
Will you let me romanticize?
The beauty in London Skies,
You know the sunlight always shines,
Behind the clouds of London Skies.
Will you let me romanticize?
The beauty in London Skies,
You know the sunlight always shines,
Behind the clouds of London Skies.
Umutite zumanjke i secer, dodajte omeksali margairn na listice i brasno. Tjesto rastanjite po plehu, pa premazajte ga sa dzemom od kajsija. Preko dzema nanesite fil: umutite belanjke i secer u snjeg. Rastopite cokoladu. Postepeno dodavajte mljevene orahe i mlaku cokoladu. Razmazajte fil po kolacu i posuti ga seckanim orahom. Pece se 30 minuta na 200C, pa namalite na 150C da se fil belanjka osusi.
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